If cash flow is a problem for you and is preventing your business from achieving the growth you desire, we will help you deal with bad debtors, create foolproof credit control systems, optimise working capital and bring cash into the business faster. The basics are having a clear idea of income and costs, how much money is in the bank, where you could reduce cost and where you are owned money. That information allows you to make quick, informed decision allowing you to react to changes in the business environment and to take advantage of opportunity when it presents itself.
You can’t know if you’re winning if you don’t have a full understanding of the scoreboard so Tom will help you build systems that track profit, cash flow and business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). You will learn the “5 Ways” and “6 Steps” ,two of the most powerful formulas in the world of business and we put it to use to work with you in all areas to help you multiply your revenues and profit.
Tom will provide the backbone for creating a profitable business, and achieving spectacular results.